collecte section Bourgogne

Detox foods....and supporting the body to be able to detox better.

Detox foods....and supporting the body to be able to detox better.

1) Leafy green Veggies and Cruciferous veggies (ex. broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, kale, cabbage, and bok choy)
2) Cold water fish - they have the least toxins and good protein, good fats (omega 3 fatty acids) that supports the work of detoxification that happens in the liver.
3) Free range pastured chicken (free of hormones and antibiotics)
4) Berries - great way to kill cravings and also have fiber (be aware if you suffer from yeast/candida you should limit fruits)
5) Apple cider vinegar - helps the secretion of hydrochloric acid which makes for great digeastion
6)Lemon water - an acidic fruit but causes an alkalizing effect on the body and a great herbal antimicrobial
7) herbal teas - boost energy and support immune system
8) Unsweetened coconut milk -great substitute for dairy products- healthy fats and amazing oils
9) coconut oil - smaller shorter fats, makes skin glow and hair healthier, stress relief, cholesterol level maintenance, weight loss, boosted immune system, proper digestion and regulated metabolism. It also provides relief from kidney problems, heart diseases, high blood pressure, diabetes, HIV, and cancer, while helping to improve dental quality and bone strength. These benefits of oil can be attributed to the presence of lauric acid, capric acid and caprylic acid, and their respective properties, such as antimicrobial, antioxidant, anti-fungal, antibacterial and soothing qualities.
10) Plant based protein powder - for people who dont eat meat- provides liver with proteins to function properly- which helps it do its work of detoxification. It is also great for anyone, nit just those that dont eat meat