collecte section Bourgogne

Most expenses related to treating Lyme Disease are mainly out-of-pocket

"When you say you are going through treatment for disseminated, Late-Stage, or chronic Lyme, most people shrug it off like you just have a quick recovery/easily treated illness. But, once this disease has gotten entrenched, I can only liken the treatments then to those someone goes through to cancer treatment.”

"To make matters worse, other factors heap on like missed work; losing friends because you’re unable to do things you used to do; difficulty in finding a knowledgeable doctor who will listen, test and treat you properly; treatments making “you sick before you are better”; public misunderstanding of Lyme and the treatments, loss of income; expensive medical bills, most out of pocket… these, and more, on top of the difficult treatments."

"Most expenses related to treating Lyme Disease are mainly out-of-pocket, as the insurance companies and many medical organizations are conflicted about correct and appropriate treatment guidelines."