Ocular meaning "of or pertaining to the eye" - Borreliosis Meaning "Borrelia"
When it comes to infiltrating and disrupting the physical functions of the human body by Lyme Disease, the eyes are no exception. The spirochetes of Lyme Disease do congregate in specific parts of the eyes, and when they do, inflammation occurs. An individual's eye and vision symptoms will depend on what physical part or parts of the eyes the spirochetes invade and gather in. Not only is the function of the eye (i.e., the vision) distorted, but the physical eye itself manifests unnerving symptoms. It's important to remember that because the human eye contains many complex components, a person may be subjected to not just one or two symptoms of the eye or vision, but many.
The eye is probably the most relied upon sense of the human body. Its function allows us to perceive our physical world in great detail without any true effort on our part.
Those with Lyme experience first hand the bizarre visual disturbances Borrelia has on this truly remarkable piece of evolution. The good news is that as treatment progresses, the bizarre eyes symptoms caused by the bacteria's presence will exponentially get better.
Light sensitivity
Cloudy or foggy vision
Height or depth instability
Image Delay
Moving Object illusion
Phantom Image
Textual bombardment
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