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The August edition of Consumer Reports onHealth did it again – they even trumped their last piece-o-crap misinformation campaign on Lyme Disease!

The August edition of Consumer Reports onHealth did it again – they even trumped their last piece-o-crap misinformation campaign on Lyme Disease! This issue’s article is entitled “How to Test and Treat Lyme Disease” and is only in hard copy print. However, it is based on this article:

The printed article is actually more negligent that the PDF article. Gayle Williams, the deputy editor of health & family is responsible for publishing this harmful, inaccurate information. 

The American College of Rheumatology (who denies that the earth is round, no such thing as chronic Lyme, 2 weeks of doxycycline cures Lyme disease and co-infections) and the American Board of Internal Medicine are the propagandists who perpetuate these lies – and the needless suffering of MILLIONS of people.

Some of the lies they wrote:

- Most people develop the bulls eye rash;
- People with the rash often test negative;
- Two or three weeks of (unnamed) antibiotics clears the infection;
- You don’t need to be tested if you have vague symptoms, such as fatigue, aches or pains;
- Testing can lead to misdiagnosis;
- Anti-inflammatory drugs to “rein in” the immune system may help;
- NIH studies on Lyme proved that long-term antibiotics did no relieve persistent symptoms.

And they are certainly guilty for sins of omission. E.g., there are SIXTEEN other rash types that may appear – not just a bulls-eye. I learned that from my interview with Dr. Alan MacDonald, to be posted soon in parts.

This silent genocide has to stop. It is evil incarnate.