collecte section Bourgogne

The spirochetes that cause Lyme Disease are truly monsters

The spirochetes that cause Lyme Disease are truly monsters. Like a Boogeyman, they hide from detection by 
boring into body tissues such as bone, tendons, joints, nerves and, most preferably, the brain. This is how the 
spirochetes are able to avoid being confronted by either the body’s immune system or any antibiotics, which use 
the circulatory system as their avenue for attack. In essence, the spirochetes hide under the bed until all is 
clear, then they dart out of their cubbyholes and start creating the havoc for which they are infamous. This is 
why Lyme Disease can go into remission only to later resurface with a vengeance. And the fiendishness doesn’t 
stop there, for not only do they hide, they also shape shift like a werewolf.

Whenever a spirochete comes under attack by antibiotics or other means, it mutates like a human into a werewolf. The spirochete can form itself into two different figures, one called a Cell-Wall-Deficient, and a second more common shape called Cyst. All Borrelia Burgdorferi models have different traits and weaknesses.

Lyme DiseaseThe likeness of the spirochete to the werewolf doesn’t stop with its ability to transform. Spirochetes also have a distinct wolf-in-sheep’s-clothing quality. Their corkscrew shape makes them perfect for drilling. One of the entities they like to rupture is the immune system’s B-cell. Once the cell is breached the spirochete goes inside the B-cell and wears the shell as camouflage to dupe other immune cells into thinking it’s just one of the gang.

Its very important when treating Lyme to treat all forms of the bacteria...