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Aggressiveness, violence, homicidality, homicide, and Lyme disease | NDT

Aggressiveness, violence, homicidality, homicide, and Lyme disease Robert C Bransfield Department of…

Aggressiveness, violence, homicidality, homicide, and Lyme disease

Conclusion: LD and the immune, biochemical, neurotransmitter, and the neural circuit reactions to it can cause impairments associated with violence. Many LD patients have no aggressiveness tendencies or only mild degrees of low frustration tolerance and irritability and pose no danger; however, a lesser number experience explosive anger, a lesser number experience homicidal thoughts and impulses, and much lesser number commit homicides. Since such large numbers are affected by LD, this small percent can be highly significant. Much of the violence associated with LD can be avoided with better prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of LD.