collecte section Bourgogne

Persister cells, micro colonies, biofilms - Feng, Zhang, Embers et al 2019

Persister cells, micro colonies, biofilms - Feng, Zhang, Embers et al 2019
《 In this study, we isolated three different forms of B. burgdorferi, including growing log phase spirochetes (LOG), non-growing stationary phase planktonic (SP) form, and aggregated biofilm-like microcolony (MC) form and compared their susceptibility to different antibiotics in vitro and found indeed the MC form and SP form to be more tolerant to antibiotics. Interestingly, we found that the MC form and the SP form caused more severe arthritis in mice than the log phase spirochetal form.
More importantly, we show that the current Lyme antibiotic treatment with doxycycline or even ceftriaxone was unable to eradicate such persistent infections in the mouse model introduced by MC persister inocula but could be completely eradicated by the persister drug regimen Daptomycin+Doxycycline+Ceftriaxone, which was previously shown to do so in vitro .》