collecte section Bourgogne

Herx versus flare up


What's the Difference?


herx is the feeling you get when too many toxins are released in your body from recently killed Spirochetes


  • Is caused by an immune or antibiotic response of killing Spirochetes


  • The symptoms of a herx are usually but not limited to brain fog, extreme fatigue, irritability, lack of motivation and temporarily becoming anti social


Distinguishing Features

  • Herx symptoms can actually entail having symptoms reappear after not having them for months or years.  These symptoms are usually referred to as "going in reverse".  A true sign that treatment is effective and working.
  • herx can last anywhere from a few hours to a week or more

Flare Up

A flare is the feeling you get when your normal Lyme Disease symptoms become exacerbated



  • It's caused by the Lyme bacteria doing what they do best without any influence from antibiotics or the immune system



  • The symptoms of a flare up are most usually noted as the symptoms you had before you started any type of antibiotic regimen


  • Usually has to run its course and can't be entirely relieved depending on the action taken to combat the symptom and depending on the symptom(s)


Distinguishing Features

  • Flare up symptoms, if treatment is working properly, become less severe, less noticeable and occur less frequently over time
  • A flare up usually lasts for just a few hours


  • Both a herx and a flare up can actually occur at the same time though most of the time they usually occur separately.  This makes them hard to differentiate
  • Both a herx and a flare up can be triggered by physical exercise or a demand placed on the body
  • Everyone has different symptoms and intensities so what can be a herx symptoms to one person, may actually be a flare up for another