Health tip of the day: This is our third tip on the epigenetics of Lyme disease. Today I
will discuss how future generations of your family may exhibit predispositions or
tendencies to certain physical, mental, and emotional problems, due to incompletely
treated Lyme disease.
Wikipedia defines epigenetics as "The study of inheritable changes in gene expression
Wikipedia defines epigenetics as "The study of inheritable changes in gene expression
or cellular phenotype caused by mechanisms other than changes in the underlying
DNA sequence – hence the name epi- (Greek: επί- over, above, outer) -genetics."
The epigenetic miasms of Syphilis have been tracked and mapped by homeopathic
physicians for over two hundred years. The spirochete that causes Syphilis is very
much like the spirochete of Lyme disease, only the Lyme spirochetes have 5-6 times
more genes in their DNA!
There are pages of text outlining the epigenetic predispositions and tendencies in the
There are pages of text outlining the epigenetic predispositions and tendencies in the
offspring of people incompletely treated for Syphilis.
There are no texts outlining the predispositions for Lyme disease, though we can
There are no texts outlining the predispositions for Lyme disease, though we can
project some of what we can expect with Lyme epigenetic miasms through what we
know about Syphilis.
This will get a bit scientific but stay with me! Most of you have been forced to do a lot
This will get a bit scientific but stay with me! Most of you have been forced to do a lot
of your own research since you have been sick, so I know you are smart enough to
understand this topic.
I want you to understand some of the science behind this so you can rebut the
I want you to understand some of the science behind this so you can rebut the
According to research recently reported in the journal "Nature" and the New York
According to research recently reported in the journal "Nature" and the New York
Times, "...scientists have discovered a vital clue to unraveling these riddles. The
human genome (The genetic code of human DNA) is packed with at least four million
gene switches that reside in bits of DNA that once were dismissed as “junk” but that
turn out to play critical roles in controlling how cells, organs and other tissues
behave. The discovery, considered a major medical and scientific breakthrough, has
enormous implications for human health because many complex diseases appear to
be caused by tiny changes in hundreds of gene switches."
The articles go on to say, "The findings, which are the fruit of an immense federal
The articles go on to say, "The findings, which are the fruit of an immense federal
project involving 440 scientists from 32 laboratories around the world, will have
immediate applications for understanding how alterations in the non-gene parts of
DNA contribute to human diseases."
These epigenetic switches control the dynamic shifting of the basic blue print that is in your DNA.
Remember, each cell has a ten-foot strand of DNA. Each strand of DNA has 4 million
These epigenetic switches control the dynamic shifting of the basic blue print that is in your DNA.
Remember, each cell has a ten-foot strand of DNA. Each strand of DNA has 4 million
epigenetic, biophotonic switches that control moment-by-moment changes in the
expression of your DNA in response to changes in your internal and external
The really amazing thing is that if the sequence of just one single cell's four million
The really amazing thing is that if the sequence of just one single cell's four million
epigenetic switches are changed, not just that cell changes, every single strain of
DNA in your body instantly changes in the same manner.
Diseases such as Lyme disease can cause these switches to flip on or off in an infinite
Diseases such as Lyme disease can cause these switches to flip on or off in an infinite
number of ways, causing flaws in the expression of your DNA. These flaws set up the
predispositions and tendencies in all of your cells, including eggs and sperm, to
problems that I call epigenetic miasms that are passed on to future generations.
It could be that the epigenetic flaws in these switches, from illness in your family
It could be that the epigenetic flaws in these switches, from illness in your family
history, predisposed you to the physical, mental, and emotional problems that you
didn't acquire during your brief time on earth.
Now you know why Lyme disease can cause so many diverse symptoms from one
Now you know why Lyme disease can cause so many diverse symptoms from one
person to another. The disease is expressing itself through your unique epigenetic
By the way, just like the homeopathic physicians of old figured out how to correct
By the way, just like the homeopathic physicians of old figured out how to correct
the epigenetic miasm of Syphilis, the work we do at the Hansa Center, as well as the
clinical work in hundreds of other clinics around the world are working on ways to
shift these epigenetic switches through homeopathy and other forms of frequency-
based, energy medicine. Do not be afraid, be knowledgeable, and seek out doctors
who understand these concepts.
Stay tuned, there is more to come. Hopefully I didn't scare you away with all this
Stay tuned, there is more to come. Hopefully I didn't scare you away with all this
science...are you all still with me? :)
If you live outside (or inside) of the State of Kansas and are considering coming to
If you live outside (or inside) of the State of Kansas and are considering coming to
the Hansa are not alone...over 90% of our patients come from other
states and countries. Talk with Kara, our wonderful and compassionate Patient Care
Coordinator, directly by calling (316-686-5900), or have a private live chat on our
webpage (