collecte section Bourgogne

Lyme patients : no steroids !

Steroids (cortisone, prednisone, etc.) supress the immune system, the last thing a Lyme patient needs is to 

lower immunity. Can you imagine, your body trying hard to fight off the spirochete bacteria and suddenly and 

immunosuppressants is introduced, "freezing" your immune system, rendering it unable to battle, giving great 

advantage now to the Lyme bacteria to spread and go wherever it wants and it does!

Corticosteroids can last in the body for months, usually around 6 months. With LD this gives many months for 

the bacteria to spread, possibly cause damage & according to Dr. Burrascano the prognosis can be much 


It is important to list on all medical charts and pharmacies that you have an allergy to corticosteroids. If 

surgery is in your future or an unexpected ER visit, make it known without a doubt you do not want any 

corticosteroids due to "allergic reaction".

It is imperative to NEVER take corticosteroid for pain if you know you have a bacterial infection. Some 

bacterial infections are so severe that a shot of cortisone could kill you, although that would be unlikely with 

Lyme, but rule of thumb, bacterial infections and immunosuppressants do not mix!

If you ever do any shots to relieve pain, tell the Md to leave out the steroid and use lidocaine or procaine only 

should be safe, ask your LLMD. Many Md's mainstream Md's are shying away from corticosteroid use.

The main thing always overlooked that is most important - corticosteroids release dormant viruses (we ALL

 have dormant viruses residing in our spine) especially if IV, trigger point injections or facet joint injections 

are done near the spine. Mine were in the shoulder blade area. Viruses released as well and spread 

everywhere in my body 4 in all, they can make pain much worse and mixed w/Ld a nightmare. We have all 

been exposed to viruses in our lifetime through saliva, contact with others infected or even airborne, for 

instance Chicken Pox reactivated can be something entirely different, shingles, shingles can be localized or 

neuropathy just as an example.