collecte section Bourgogne

Neurotoxins of the Borrelia burgdorferi of Lyme disease

Neurotoxin and toxins Overload

When the Borrelia burgdorferi bacteria dies,the dead cell holding the remnants of the Bb bacteria and 

filled with Bb toxic sludge floats about in the interstitial fluid. From there it normally goes into the detoxification systems. But, if the detoxification systems have been impaired the toxin filled interstitial fluid will get into the bloodstream where the toxins are circulated throughout the body causing the body to feel poisoned and ill.

Overload 1: Neurotoxins and other toxins may have been accumulated in the body prior to the Lyme infection.

Overload 2: Neurotoxins and other toxins (from other sources) are presently being absorbed or ingested thus adding to the Bb and co-infection neurotoxin load. 

Overload 3: The Borrelia burgdorferi bacteria prefers to travel through collagen more than the blood. So the Bb's clogs up the lymphatic system and cause the blood to thicken. This leads to poor blood flow through the liver and a stickiness of the interstitial fluid. As a consequence detoxification is slowed down to poor and the toxins remain in the body longer affecting the body negatively.(poisoning it)

Overload 4: Adding anything that kills Bb bacteria, will immediately cause an abundance of sludge in the interstitial fluid. The detoxification systems will back up... get plugged... have too much to handle. The toxins will go into the blood stream, circulating throughout the body, and the person will be sick.(Herxheimer response)