collecte section Bourgogne

please hold tight in your heart the family of Bob Cameron. He passed away this morning

3 h ·
Dear ones, please hold tight in your heart the family of Bob Cameron. He passed away this morning. Bob received incredible love support and dedication from his wife Joanne. Hold her close in your thoughts and prayers please.
This is a great loss that should never have happened.
So long dear friend you are an inspiration to us all. Thank you Joanne for loving him so very much.

His arrangements and information at this link:

« Comment votre ventre contrôle votre cerveau » -

Pour les sous-titres en français, il faut aller sur le petite roue crantée, en bas à droite et dans les sous-titres, choisir français.
Ruairi Robertson est nutritionniste, microbiologiste et expert en neurosciences en particulier sur l’axe intestin/cerveau. Dans son intervention au cours de TEDxFulbrightSantaMonica, « Food for thought: How your belly controls your brain » (« Comment votre ventre contrôle votre cerveau : de quoi nourrir votre réflexion »), Robertson explique comment notre intestin et les bactéries qu’il héberge peuvent affecter la santé mentale et physique et surtout, comment notre alimentation pourrait influer sur cette relation.
Ruairi Robertson est nutritionniste, microbiologiste et expert en neurosciences en particulier sur l’axe intestin/cerveau. Dans son intervention au cours de TEDxFulbrightSantaMonica, « Food for thought: How your belly controls your brain » (« Comment votre ventre contrôle votre cerveau : de qu...

En faisant des analyses à Maëlyne, 7 ans, pour la maladie de Lyme dont elle est atteinte (diagnostiquée il y a quelques semaines), les médecins viennent aussi de trouver une tumeur cérébrale.

En faisant des analyses à Maëlyne, 7 ans, pour la maladie de Lyme dont elle est atteinte (diagnostiquée il y a quelques semaines), les médecins viennent aussi de trouver une tumeur cérébrale.
Merci de votre aide

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La « Valley fever », l’épidémie qui meurtrit la Californie.

Cat scratch disease - Bartonella - slowly causing bone degeneration.

Cat scratch disease - Bartonella - slowly causing bone degeneration.

Galaxy Diagnostics
63-year-old veterinarian was diagnosed at age 8 with Cat Scratch Disease (CSD; acute #Bartonella henselae infection). Over the course of her life, in which she had a lot of exposure to cats, she developed a bull's eye rash twice, cardiac arrhythmias and palpitations, muscle and skeletal pain, uterine (endometrial) cancer, hyperparathyroidism, osteoarthritis in wrist and hip, emergency appendectomy, and hip joint pain.
Galaxy Diagnostic's testing and enriched cultures (BAPGM ePCR) of her blood revealed antibodies and the presence of Bartonella bacteria DNA.
Due to severe, end stage degenerative osteoarthritis, she had hip replacement surgery. After the operation, part of the excised hip joint was examined for infection- it was Bartonella henselae PCR positive. Microscopy revealed that B. henselae was more abundant in the spongy vs. the compact bone. "Assuming that her B. henselae infection persisted between the timing of her blood culture, surgery, and femoral head cultures, she remained infected for at least 108 days."
"B. henselae has been implicated as a cause of osteomyelitis [bone infection] of the hip joint acetabulum in two adult males and localized or generalized osteolytic lesions [areas of bone loss] in children, which are considered atypical or systemic manifestations of CSD." One study found that years following CSD diagnosis, a subset of patients develop arthritis or other musculoskeletal abnormalities.
Authors of this study, including Galaxy employees, suggest that patients with asymmetrical or atypical osteoarthritis should have their history examined for risk factors for Bartonella species (such as cat exposure) and be considered for diagnostic testing.

Conseils pour la guérison de moisissures toxiques dans les co-infections de la maladie de Lyme.

Borrelia desperadi

We are all vulnerable. Look out for each other. Don’t share the garbage snake oil ads. Share the truth. Help people get out of the freaking woods, for God’s sake.

Aux négationnistes du Lyme chronique

Aux rois de l’obscurantisme, partisans de la Terre Plate, empêcheurs de soigner en rond et accros au mensonge – oui, vous, la clique infernale et nuisible du CNR Borrelia de Strasbourg…

New bacteria isolated at biological research lab at DSU reveal foreign invaders

L-forms....they disappeared from the scientific literature between the 1950s and the late 1980s. Lida Mattman wrote a text book about them......we have all seen blood microscopy with the L-forms of Borrelia spirochetes...will this new research be swept under the carpet too?
<< Soft Cell Biological Research founder, Brent Hunt began the research while studying his own blood as a result of continued failed knee replacements. What he and students under him have been able to isolate, are L-form bacteria, with no cell walls, that roam freely in the bloodstream. Some of these bacteria have never been found in blood before.>>
ST. GEORGE, Utah (Dixie State University) - + Video – Lab research performed at Dixie State University has advanced into significant findings that could change the…

Ambérieu-en-Bugey: une vague de solidarité pour venir en aide à Elsa et ses sœurs atteintes par la maladie de Lyme

An Easy Way to Tell if You Have Small Fiber Neuropathy? The Fibromyalgia Symptom Study - Health Rising

Dr. Anne Oaklander didn’t just discover the small…

Percée majeure dans le diagnostic de l’électrohypersensibilité

"(...) « Cette étude apporte la preuve qu’il existe des anomalies dans le cerveau des gens EHS qui ne sont pas présentes dans un cerveau non EHS et pourrait mettre fin au débat sur l’existence de l’EHS, affirme la fondation People’s Initiative qui a organisé l’étude. Elle défie aussi la position largement répandue par l’industrie du sans-fil et les gouvernements selon laquelle l’exposition aux micro-ondes n’a aucune conséquence sur la santé humaine et pourrait avoir une incidence sur l’opinion dominante affirmant que le rayonnement sans fil est réputé sécuritaire. ». L’étude du Dr Heuser ajoute au poids de la preuve des milliers d’études, la plupart publiées depuis les années 1950, qui démontrent que des effets biologiques « non thermiques » sont associés à l’exposition à de très faibles doses chroniques de CEM. Ces radiations sont émises autant par les câbles et appareils sur lesquels circulent de l’électricité oscillant à d’extrêmement basses fréquences (60 hertz) que par les technologies émettrices de radiofréquences (RF), comme les antennes, les cellulaires et les tablettes. "

An encouraging start of 2018? The finding of the new Embers studies are explained by the English VIRAS group.

An encouraging start of 2018? The finding of the new Embers studies are explained by the English VIRAS group.
In laymen language these can be summarised as:
1. the Borrelia persists after the recommended treatment
2. the C6 antibody test is the most useless of all
3. only 10% of the infected monkeys showed an EM rash
4. current Lyme policy doesn't stand up to science
5. millions of research grants have been wasted on propaganda to attack the patients, who already knew this by experience

Notes on: Embers ME, Hasenkampf NR, Jacobs MB, Tardo AC, Doyle-Meyers LA, Philipp MT, et al. (2017) Variable manifestations, diverse seroreactivity and post-treatment persistence in non-human primates exposed to Borrelia burgdorferi (B.b) by tick feeding. PLoS ONE 12(12): e0189071.

Maladie de Lyme: une Rémoise dénonce le manque de fiabilité du test de dépistage

REIMS Victime de la borréliose de Lyme, une Rémoise dénonce un manque de fiabilité du seul test permettant de dépister la maladie en France. Elle attaque…

Dépistage de Babesia microti dans des prélèvements sanguins aux États-Unis. Transmission par transfusion sanguine. Le risque évalué à 9,4% et pas de test systématique.




Dépistage de Babesia microti dans des prélèvements sanguins aux États-Unis. Transmission par transfusion sanguine. Le risque évalué à 9,4% et pas de test systématique.

les patients passent à l'attaque

Surveillance et découverte des espèces de Borrelia chez les patients américains soupçonnés de maladie transmise par les tiques.

les volontaires donnent à chaque rando 5 centimes par kilomètre, qu'ils ont reversés à l'association chère à B. Ollivier, tout comme ils le feront l'année prochaine pour l'association France Lyme…

· A recent talk by Sue Burke Faber on congenital transmission of Borreliosis

Sue Faber, RN and Co-Founder of LymeHope speaks to…

This article recently appeared in the December publication of Ticks and Tick-borne Diseases, titled "Neuroborreliosis and acute encephalopathy: The use of CXCL13 as a biomarker in CNS manifestations of Lyme borreliosis"

This article recently appeared in the December publication of Ticks and Tick-borne Diseases, titled "Neuroborreliosis and acute encephalopathy: The use of CXCL13 as a biomarker in CNS manifestations of Lyme borreliosis"
We report the case of an 80-year-old patient with acute onset confusion initially suspected to reflect delirium in incipient Alzheimer's disease. Cerebrospinal fluid tests revealed an unusually severe form of neuroborreliosis, which resolved following antibiotic treatment. This was mirrored in the measurement of CXCL13, which is suggested as a complementary biomarker"
What is CXCL13 and how does it relate to other inflammatory molecules in the body that are produced during an infection? Here is an explanation from "How Can I Get Better?" Chapter 3, Lyme Disease Specifics and Treatment Options:
"Scientific research has shown that borrelia creates an inflammatory response in the body where molecules are produced, called inflammatory cytokines, such as interleukin-1 (IL-1), interleukin-6 (IL-6), tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF- alpha), and interferon gamma. These can cause fatigue,
pain, headaches, memory and concentration problems, and mood swings. Specialized signaling proteins, called chemokines, such as CCL-2 and CXCL-13, are also produced during an infection. These proteins recruit specialized immune cells such as B cells to make antibodies at the site of the infection, including the central nervous system, during neuroinflammation. Cytokines and chemokines can both modulate immune
activation and inflammation as they direct immune cells to the sites of tissue injury and infection".
"The reason that alternative diagnostic techniques are necessary to diagnose neuroborreliosis is that MRI’s, SPECT scans and PET scans of the brain are not able to definitively determine if a patient has neurological Lyme disease. Physicians will therefore occasionally perform a spinal tap and look at markers in the spinal fluid to determine if Borrelia burgdorferi has invaded the CNS. Unfortunately, spinal taps also have their limitations. Although increased antibody production in the spinal fluid can be seen in early Lyme disease with a lymphocytic meningitis or encephalitis, in late stage neurological Lyme patients, patients can have normal cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) antibody studies. For example, Dr. Coyle and Dr. Schutzer studied 35 patients with specific Lyme Antigen (Osp A) in their cerebrospinal fluid, indicative of neurological Lyme disease. Of these patients studied, although the Lyme antigen was positive, 43% had no evidence of antibodies to Lyme in their CSF testing, and 47% had otherwise normal routine CSF analyses. 60% of these patients were also seronegative for Lyme disease when tested with standard blood tests, implying that a patient can have Lyme disease despite a negative blood test and a negative spinal tap. The authors concluded that, “neurologic infection by B. burgdorferi should not be excluded solely on the basis of normal routine CSF or negative CSF antibody analyses.”
• Coyle PK, Schutzer SE, Deng Z, Krupp LB, Belman AL, Benach JL, Luft BJ. Detection of Borrelia burgdorferi-specific antigen in antibody-negative cerebrospinal fluid in neurologic Lyme disease. Neurology. 1995 Nov;45(11):2010-5;
Patients may also be seronegative for Lyme disease because of sequestration of antibody in immune complexes.
• Schutzer SE, Coyle PK, Belman AL, Golightly MG, Drulle J. Sequestration of antibody to Borrelia burgdorferi in immune complexes in seronegative Lyme disease. Lancet. 1990 Feb 10;335(8685):312-5;
In Chapter 13 of "How Can I Get Better? I discuss nine factors on the Horowitz Sixteen-Point MSIDS Map, which have all been published in the scientific literature in the past several years, that have been proven to be associated with Alzheimer’s disease, apart from genetic influences. These factors are affecting the neurocognitive functioning of large numbers of the general population. They include
1. Multiple infections (Borrelia burgdorferi, other spirochetes (B.
miyamotoi, denticola spirochetes in the mouth); similar spiral shaped organisms (Helicobacter pylori); Chlamydia pneumonia; Porphyromonas gingivalis; viruses (HSV-1, cytomegalovirus); and possibly fungal infections;
2. Immune Dysfunction/Autoimmunity: Brain-reactive autoantibodies
3. Inflammation: The Framingham Study found inflammation
and an increase in inflammatory cytokines to increase the risk of
Alzheimer’s disease.
4. Environmental Toxins and Neuroimmunotoxicology: In 2014,
JAMA Neurology reported that levels of the pesticide DDE were
3.8- fold higher in those with AD. Other environmental toxins like ozone and small- particulate matter have also been linked to Alzheimer’s dementia.
5. Diet: Lipid- based diets effectively combat Alzheimer’s disease in the mouse model, and increases in dietary intake of either flavonoids (blueberries) or the omega-3 FA (DHA) in fish enhances neurogenesis and memory.
6. Sleep disorders: Lack of sleep contributes to elevations in
inflammatory cytokines like IL-6, & microinfarcts in the brain
7. Hormonal Dysregulation: Numerous studies have documented
a strong association between diabetes and Alzheimer’s disease
and suggest that avoiding excess insulin may help prevent and
lessen the impact of the disease.
8. Rest and Restore: Meditation may reduce hippocampal- volume atrophy in mild cognitive impairment (MCI), while having a positive impact on brain regions most related to dementia.
9. Exercise: increases the size of the hippocampus and improves memory while attenuating age- related biomarker alterations n preclinical Alzheimer’s disease.
Every 67 seconds someone is diagnosed with AD in the United States, and in December 2017, the journal Alzheimer's and dementia reported that 46.7 million Americans had preclinical AD (amyloidosis, neurodegeneration, or both), although many may not progress to clinical disease during their lifetimes. Individuals with neurocognitive deficits therefore need to be screened for multiple causes of inflammation on the 16 point MSIDS map (see Chapter 2, Table 2.1: Symptoms and Associated Medical Conditions on the Sixteen-Point MSIDS Map) if we are to stem the tide of rising rates of chronic neurological disease and disability in the US.
Posted by Dr H, not representing the views of the Federal TBDWG.…/article/pii/S1877959X17305678

Lyme disease: New research on Borrelia burgdorferi persistence

Témoignage Âgée de 21 ans, cette Orléanaise souffre d’une multi-infection proche de la maladie de Lyme

Elle diagnostique la maladie: son laboratoire est fermé

A Window Into Lyme Disease Using Private Claims Data

As we end the year, here is a 2017 review of private claims data which tracks the rising incidence and effects of Lyme disease. This includes symptoms reported to insurers (increased rates of fatigue, and pain, with higher fibromyalgia diagnoses), rising rates of the incidence of LD in rural and urban communities (including the southern parts of the US!), and autoimmune manifestations. These figures do not account for those individuals diagnosed with Lyme "mimics" including CFS/ME, other autoimmune illness such as seronegative RA or MS, or early dementia and neuropsychiatric illness that are due to Lyme, associated co-infections and overlapping inflammatory conditions on the 16 point MSIDS map. The numbers are therefore probably much higher. Dr Holly Ahern did a study years ago that showed that although 2% of respondents reported being diagnosed with LD according to CDC criteria for “probable” Lyme disease (which was significantly higher than the number of reported cases i.e., 0.3% of the US population in 2012), 16% percent of undiagnosed survey respondents reported subjective signs and symptoms consistent with “late-stage” Lyme disease (Ahern, H. Comparison of Lyme Disease Prevalence and Disease Reporting in an Endemic Area, Journal of Microbiology Research, Vol. 3 No. 6, 2013, pp. 261-265. doi: 10.5923/j.microbiology.20130306.11).
The full range of physical, mental, emotional and financial burdens is also not reflected in this report, but it does give a sense of the spreading problem and urgency to address tick-borne diseases in the US.

Claims data are used to track rising incidence of Lyme disease and its relationship to autoimmune disease.

Dr. Richard Horowitz :There has been an long, ongoing debate in Australia regarding the presence and origin of a "Lyme-like illness" making patients sick

There has been an long, ongoing debate in Australia regarding the presence and origin of a "Lyme-like illness" making patients sick. I have had patients fly around the world to see me because they were unable to find local health practitioners who would test and treat them for borreliosis and associated tick-borne disorders. Several of the patients that I saw not only tested positive for Lyme with positive antibodies and borrelia specific bands on a Western blot, but also tested positive for co-infections including Babesiosis, Bartonellosis and rickettsial infections. Once they were treated, their health improved. I testified before the Australian Senate this past year to explain my findings and review the scientific literature on testing and treatment.
This article was just published in Parasites and Vectors, which helps to expand the debate and our understanding of "Lyme-like illness" in Australia. Researchers just identified several new borrelia species in Australian ticks: "For over 25 years there has been an ongoing debate on the presence of Lyme disease agents [Borrelia burgdorferi (s.l.)] in Australia, fueled by findings of Borrelia spp. of unknown pathogenicity within Australian ticks [8, 9, 10, 15, 16, 48]. The current study demonstrates two more distinct Borrelia species of unknown pathogenic potential, found in 12% (3/25) of tick samples and tentatively named Borrelia sp. Tick2 and Borrelia sp. Tick3/Tick14. Recently, an Australian endemic “Candidatus B. tachyglossi” was identified in a closely related tick species, B. concolor [9]. Australian ticks are not free from Borrelia spp., yet the impacts of their presence on human and animal health remains unknown".
In the past 3 decades, we have identified over 16 new borrelia species worldwide, which is approximately one species every 2 years. Several years ago we identified new relapsing fever borrelia in the US (4% of patients in southern New England were found to have exposed to B. miyamotoi), as well as B. Mayonii in the midwest, B. Bisetti on the pacific coast, and in the past year, researchers also identified B. Lanei in California.
Unfortunately, not all borrelia species can be found with the standard two-tiered laboratory testing (like Borrelia miyamotoi, which is rapidly spreading). Using the HMQ followed by a broad tick-borne testing panel like the ones described in "How Can I Get Better?" (pages 29 onwards) can help. I usually look for borrelia specific bands (23, 31, 34, 39, 83/93) on a Western blot (like the one from IgeneX which uses more than one strain of borrelia) to confirm exposure, especially if the ELISA and C6 ELISA is negative. As we continue to learn about Lyme and associated diseases in order to help our patients, we must keep an open mind as science keeps expanding our boundaries and understanding...…/s13071-017-…

Oh medical leech, wherefore art thou? I can't findeth thee.

#MECFS #real #ignored #psychosomatic #deadly #MEtoo #AIDS2 (Acquired Immune Dysfunction Syndrome). Oh medical leech, wherefore art thou? I can't findeth thee.

1 year of IVs through two PICC lines and 1 year of oral medications for Lyme and #babesia

Tara Thackeray

I don’t post much about #Lyme these days. Frankly, I have “talking about it fatigue”. After almost 4 straight years of pulsing Lyme treatment (no breaks!), forgive me for being in burnout mode.
However, I’m still proud at what I’ve survived. This photo was simply the two year mark... 1 year of IVs through two PICC lines and 1 year of oral medications for Lyme and #babesia. Our bodies are incredible... our livers are incredible! There have been many ups and downs, recoveries and relapses, joys and depressions, prayers of gratitude and clenched fists at the skies. SO many symptoms gone, and some stubborn ones remaining. I don’t know the reasons for “why me”, but I do know I’ve come to understand more intimately and personally how deeply I am known and loved by God through this... and that alone has swallowed my need for any further answers.
Fight on my fellow warriors... but also be grateful for the soul-deepening journey 💚

Le nombre de cas en France largement sous-estimé Pr Christian Perronne Auteur de La vérité sur la maladie de L

Maladie de Lyme : une plainte de 300 patients en préparation, "un cri de colère des malades qui n'en peuvent plus"

Maladie de Lyme : une plainte de 300 patients en préparation, "un cri de colère des malades qui n'en peuvent plus"


JSL : plainte de 300 patients

LYME non depisté , il s'est vu mourir

Lyme - Modes de transmissions

La toute nouvelle Chaîne video Limyleaks vous informe sur des sujets bien référencés :
vous trouverez sur la page d'accueil la liste des publications scientifiques pour chaque thème évoqué !

Les transmissions de Lyme

« des dizaines de milliers de malades » non diagnostiqués et qui sont « dans des situations médicales, matérielles et morales absolument catastrophiques ».





Maladie de Lyme : plainte deposee contre deux ministres de la santé

Agnès Gaubert : "Une seule morsure de tique peut transmettre la maladie de Lyme"

La maladie de Lyme fait de plus en plus de malades. Ces derniers souffrent du désintérêt des pouvoirs publics et de la chasse faite aux médecins qui veulent les soigner. Agnès Gaubert de l'association France Lyme nous raconte son combat.

Maladie de Lyme : une plainte bientôt déposée pour "conflit d’intérêt"

Selon nos informations, une plainte pénale va être déposée au parquet de Paris début janvier par une...

Maladie de Lyme: 300 malades vont déposer plainte au pénal dès janvier

300 personnes atteintes de la maladie de Lyme - cette infection bactérienne causée principalement par une piqure de tique - vont porter plainte au pénal, début janvier,…