collecte section Bourgogne

Lyme is the most common, fastest-spreading disease in Europe. It attacks the nerves, brain, heart, joints, and eyes, and can also cause skin rashes.

John Caudwell
Lyme is the most common, fastest-spreading disease in Europe. It attacks the nerves, brain, heart, joints, and eyes, and can also cause skin rashes.
This terrible disease is spreading at a rate of 14% a year throughout Europe. However, it is still one of the most under-researched illnesses in the western world.
Here are some important facts about this disease:
Checking for ticks, and prompt, correct removal reduces the risk of infection. Using tick-focused repellents reduces the risk of being bitten. Most ticks do not carry Lyme disease.
Many people who catch Lyme disease never notice a tick bite. Lyme disease symptoms can develop from 3 days to 3 full months after a tick bite. It often starts gradually and feels like flu.
For more information please visit Caudwell Lymeco and find out more about the disease, and get helpful tips on how to avoid it. You’ll find the link in the comments below.