collecte section Bourgogne

Toxo’s been associated with all kinds of behaviors and disorders, including schizophrenia, suicide attempts, traffic accidents, and even personality and cultural differences..."

Toxoplasma changing the brains of rodents like rats to not just loose the fear ofcats, but actually seek out cats. But also toxo has effects on us...

...."The more researchers have investigated how this peculiar parasitic puppetmaster can influence behavior, the more complicated the story becomes. But it’s an enigma worth figuring out, because Toxo infection has been associated with a lot of neurological problems in another species it infects—us. Toxo’s been associated with all kinds of behaviors and disorders, including schizophrenia, suicide attempts, traffic accidents, and even personality and cultural differences..."

And AGAIN patients are being blamed, belittled etc when actually for however many, its not their fault or

It makes you wonder how many people could have a curable condition or at least improveable mind/condition, but onl because their condition/s has a bacterial, parasitical, fungal or viral cause, thats treatable.

yet again by not ruling out the curables, hundreds of thousands are left to suffer the consequences or watching family suffering.......