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What to expect when Starting LYME Treatment

What to expect when Starting Treatment

If you're new to Lyme Disease or you're just starting treatment and are unsure of what to expect in the coming days, this article should give you an insight of what is to come. Let me first just say that the saying "things are going to get worse before they get better" holds true in recovering from Lyme Disease.

Throughout treatment you will be deceived by your own body. There will be days where you will feel as if you've never even had Lyme Disease. You'll be symptom free, full of energy and ready to carry on with life but this is biggest deception you could fall for because soon enough you'll be hit with a bad day. The bad days are the days where you learn to understand that treatment is actually worse than doing nothing to combat your symptoms in the first place. Bad days will lead you to question your own sanity but you can't lose control here. This stage is critical to get through.

There is one important thing to remember with bad days and that is they're worth it. It may be hard to see when you're in such a debilitated stage of recovery but you're actually killing off spirochetes. These little guys don't go without a fight and they make that very clear on your worst days.

If you're just starting treatment, you're probably feeling ambivalent, uncertain and curious as to how your body is going to respond. At the moment, you're probably just experiencing your normal Lyme symptoms, as crippling as they are. After starting an antibiotic regiment, you are either going to experience 1 of 2 things. You are either going to immediately start feeling good with a dissipation of symptoms and then feeling the wrath of die off or you're just going to experience die off right off the bat.

Now everyone is going to experience die off at a different time. Some experience it immediately after taking antibiotics and others take months. Reasons all depend on the state of your body and ultimately if your protocol contains more than just antibiotics, such as a cyst buster. You're probably excited for your first herx and the anticipation is driving you nuts. It can't come soon enough.

Let me warn you that when your first herx comes, if it's bad enough, it could be very scary. You're going to experience new symptoms and old symptoms. You may feel bad enough that you may need to visit the Emergency Room. Let me just say that if there is something critically wrong with you, please don't hesitate to seek profesional care but you need to differentiate a herx. There are ways to relieve symptoms of a herx because ultimately what is happening during one is the recently killed spirochetes and their posthumous released toxins are overloading your body. It can't get rid of the toxins fast enough and must require intervention. Intervention entails detoxing which will ultimately relieve a herx.

If your herx is really bad, you don't want to keep killing off more spirochetes, which in turn could seriously hurt your body. So most people usually reduce their dosage of antibiotics or just back off completely for about 2 - 3 days. This gives your body a chance to catch up on the removal of the recently killed spirochetes. Remember though, you don't want to stay off too long and allow these guys to flourish.

As you become more comfortable and understanding of what your herxes will entail and your limits, remember that you're going to have good days and bad days. This recovery is going to be one hell of a roller coaster. The difference between a good day and a bad day is day and night.

On a good day, you'll question yourself as to whether you have beaten the disease or if you even ever had it in the first place. Don't get cocky here. Your body is still flooded with the spirochetes and you happen to be experiencing a day when they're in hiding or your body is just up to par as far as detoxing. A good day may turn into many good days but don't tempt yourself to carry on with old habits here. You must remain vigilant of the dire situation because once you up your dose of antibiotics, reality will set right back in.

You will quickly be reminded that your body is in a fragile state and that you've been fooled. Your bad days are going to be when your herx is at its worst. Bad days can linger for a few days or all the way up to a couple weeks. During this state, your mental stamina is going to be challenged to the max. It will be a complete state of debilitation and self loathing and in all honesty, you may even reach a point where you feel you must end your life. Hold it! You're not going anywhere. It is so critical that your realize through the fray that this state is essential for reclaiming your life and is the greatest assurance of death to an unwanted invader that has lingered around for just a little too long. Remember to detox to take the extra burden off of the organs of your body and allow yourself to feel somewhat normal.

You're going to get through this. There are people out there who were in your shoes but have now reclaimed the life they once had. They stayed the course by listening to their bodies. You must be in tune with your body. It is an imperative! Lose any expectation of ingesting antibiotics as your only duty. Your body is going to require the right foods, detoxing, and most importantly, patience and persistence. It is going to be a long haul and will truly test your patience to the limit but you must remain persistent. In the end, everything that you will become will ultimately come down to one thing and one thing only and that is your attitude.......

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